115 B Mittal Court, Nariman Point, Mumbai – 21 +91 22 22843000/22825555

Lice & Bites

Lice & Bites


Reaction to Bites and Stings is initiated either to a toxin or an allergen injected by the offending creature. Allergen could be venoms, irritating hairs, salivary secretions, body parts or insect excreta.

Signs and Symptoms

Reactions seen could vary from systemic complaints of chills, nausea, tremors, abdominal pain , and sweating to skin complaints at the site of contact with burning sensation, pain, blister formation, peeling of skin, red raised areas, intense itching.

Diagnosis: History of trekking/camping/ bite, clinical presentation with symptoms help in diagnosing offending insect.

Treatments at Skin & You Clinic for Insect Bites?

It would depend on offending creature and usually involves systemic antihistaminic with topical antibiotics and steroidal preparation.

Note: patient is advised not to pick, manipulate the bite site, as it can lead to stinger/ or other body parts being left behind, and spread of toxin.

Liceon Hair /Body

Head lice is caused blood-sucking lice specific to humans beings.

Head and body lice look similar to one another, however they do have different feeding habits and head lice prefer to confine themselves to the scalp.

The head louse is transmitted through shared clothing and brushes; the body louse , by bedding or clothing’s, and the pubic louse from person-to –person contact mainly.

Diagnosis: Nits may be found most easily on the hairs over scalp.

Body louse can be seen in the seams of clothing and rarely over skin.

Pubic lice can be found over hair present over pubic and peri-anal area. They are located over base of hair.

There will be accompanied scratch marks, persistent reddish lesions, boils accompanied with lice and nits.


Permethrin 1% cream/ lotion, or combined with oral ivermectin is prescribed to control and eliminate the infestation.

Why Skin & You Clinic for Lice & Bites?

We, at Skin &You Clinic, assess, examine and treat all dermatological conditions with utmost care and latest interventions available.

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